John Stirling

John Stirling


John is the Senior, property and estate planning partner with Turner Hopkins, having been a part of the team since 2003 as well as some time with the firm in his earlier years after graduating.

John’s expertise

John’s expertise

John Stirling made a welcome return to Turner Hopkins in 2003, having previously worked for the practice after graduating from Otago University and being admitted to the Bar in 1988. John became a partner in Turner Hopkins in 2005.

Fours years after originally joining Turner Hopkins, he went on to provide specialist legal expertise in property and estate planning with two central Auckland law firms before returning as an Associate.

John continues to offer specialist services in property and estate planning to our clients, as well as business and commercial law."

As a lawyer at Turner Hopkins I enjoy working alongside our clients, assisting them to understand and bring to completion what, at times, can be complex commercial and legal transactions. The client satisfaction is then often reinforced by them referring my services to potential new clients.

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Articles by John Stirling