Auckland's New Three-Story Three Building Housing Rules

The Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act passed into law on 20 December 2021. Aimed at addressing the New Zealand-wide lack of affordable houses, it requires certain councils (including Auckland) to incorporate new medium-density residential standards into their unitary plans. These standards will enable people to develop up to three dwellings of up to three storeys on each site, without needing to apply for resource consent.

Additionally, the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) requires Auckland Council (AC) to permit buildings of six storeys or more within walking distance of the city centre, 10 large metropolitan centres, and around train stations and stops on the Northern Busway. It also requires the council to enable greater heights and density within and around Auckland's other suburban centres.

Two other significant policy changes in the NPS-UD mean that AC can no longer require developers to provide car parking through its district and city plans. Furthermore, the new rules mean that private plan applications must be considered if that change to the district plan would significantly add to development capacity and provide good outcomes in line with the district plan's objective. However, future developments resulting from this change to the plan need to be well-connected by transport corridors.

To find out more, visit the NPS-UD web page.

In any event, if you have concerns or wish to discuss the implications of these changes on your property, get in touch with our commercial property and subdivision team at Turner Hopkins. Whether you want to protect the current environment or investigate development possibilities, our team has the knowledge and expertise to guide you.

Remember, the team at Turner Hopkins is here to help. If you have any questions or concerns about the topics raised in this blog, please contact our team below.

Kate Chivers

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