Apples and Oranges

The Minister’s recent announcements on the Skilled Migrant and Parent categories have brought about a flurry of activity for the team here and it has been all hands to the pump dealing with clients keen to take advantage of these updated settings. So this weeks post will be a little shorter than usual, although hopefully it will leave those of you contemplating the big move, with something interesting to ponder over the weekend.

My topic for this post came from a comment I read during the week on a social media platform, where an individual (I assume a local) was voicing some pretty strong opinions as to the state of New Zealand - everything from the economy to the health system and back again. A fair enough piece of commentary, given that in the current climate, there is very rarely a day we dont have some news to deal with. Whether it be the increase in retail ram-raids, delays at emergency medical departments or the chronic shortage of labour impacting on businesses, there is plenty for us here to be concerned with.

For many New Zealander’s these issues would present a possible challenge or disincentive for anyone wanting to move here and that concern (because we need as many skilled people as we can get our hands on) was also a theme within this particular social media thread.

However it is never that simple and what many New Zealanders seem to forget is that people considering a move to New Zealand are often dealing with issues far bigger, and with far greater consequences than we have ever had to deal with. In that, my response to this particular commentor was, that it is all relative and for many of the people we assist in moving to New Zealand, what we see as issues here, wouldn’t even make the back page of the news in their own country.

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The Devil in the Details