9 Great Reasons to Immigrate to New Zealand

1. NZ has a robust, growing economy which needs investment and skills.

NZ got through the GFC relatively well and has been on a bit of a roll ever since, in contrast to most developed economies. Tourism and primary production are the largest industries, but medium and high tech industries are growing rapidly and an increasing population requires an infrastructure build. Immigrants bringing investment and skills are needed.

2. NZ has a democracy that works quite well.

NZ Parliament

NZ has a proportional representation system, so most viewpoints have a voice in Parliament, and governments tend to be centrist, without extreme shifts to left or right. NZ tends to follow a relatively principled foreign policy, and meets its international obligations.

3. NZ is an inclusive, diverse multicultural society.

OK nobody's perfect, but Kiwi's do seem to do well at accepting diversity. NZ was the first country to give women the vote, has had 2 female prime ministers, has significantly engaged with indigenous Maori to attempt to right historical wrongs, recognises gay marriage and generally welcomes immigrants from a variety of backgrounds into Kiwi society.

4. NZ is beautiful, and it is compact (if a bit long and skinny)

NZ Surfer

NZ has great beaches, mountains and lakes and it's small enough that you can generally get to them easily. Travelling through the working countryside to get there is often a spectacularly beautiful journey in itself. The climate is temperate so it's seldom too cold or too hot. However, full disclosure, it is in the roaring 40's (southern latitude winds) so it is often four seasons in one day.

5. NZ has great national and regional parks, waterways, walkways and cycleways.

NZ Hiking

NZ is full of public space sequestered to protect natural heritage and get you out camping, climbing, kayaking, walking or cycling. It also has some of the world's best sheltered waterways for boating and sustainably managed fishing.

6. NZ critters aren’t likely to kill you.

Kea Bird

NZ has no snakes, deadly spiders, or large carnivorous mammals, unlike our Australian cousins who seem to have every venomous critter imaginable. The most dangerous thing in the NZ outdoors is the changeable weather.

7. Kiwis aren’t a bad lot to hang with.

Kiwi People

Kiwis tend to be friendly, well-travelled, welcoming people, who generally don't carry guns unless they are hunting. And anyone who hunts is generally helping control introduced species which threaten natural environments, so hunters are good people too.

8. Kiwi culture is both proudly local and internationalist

Coffee & Culture

The coffee is great, the wine and craft beer is outstanding, and the food is world class as Kiwi chefs combine global cuisine with fresh, sustainably harvested, local ingredients. Architecture and urban design is becoming more stylish and sophisticated. Kiwi movies and music are increasingly hitting the sweet spot when they are truly Kiwi, but resonate with broad human experiences.

9. You get to support the World’s Best Rugby Team.

NZ Rugby

OK. Kiwis are increasingly diverse and urbane. but love of rugby still unites this country when the All Blacks play an international rugby test match. Or you can watch the NBA and support Steve Adams, Kiwi local boy made good with the Oklahoma City Thunder.

SO, what's involved in immigrating to New Zealand?

Immigrate to New Zealand

There are a number of pathways to residency in New Zealand. The main categories are:

  • Business
  • Skilled Migrants
  • Residence from Work
  • Family Category

Business Category visas are relevant for someone of means seeking to invest in NZ to buy, start or relocate a business. Within the Business Category, the Investor 1 subcategory provides a straightforward path to residency for those able to invest a minimum of NZ$10M. The Investor 2 subcategory provides a more restrictive and competitive path to residency for those capable of investing (in reality) NZ$2.5M for a longer period.

Skilled Migrants with recognised qualifications and skills may apply for residency under a competitive and complex “points system” which aims to recognise skills that NZ has a shortage of and quality of qualifications and experience.

Residence from Work is an alternative pathway whereby a potential migrant can receive a temporary work visa during which they may gain sufficient qualifications or experience to enable them to progress to residency.

Family Category applications relate to the reunification of families where one or more members of the family are currently residents and others seek to join them.

The New Zealand Government has recently tightened residency requirements and each of these pathways can be complex, with the risk that a misstep may permanently close the path. We strongly recommend that you seek the assistance of an experienced guide on your pathway to residency.

As self-deprecating Kiwis, we at Turner Hopkins are reluctant to blow our own trumpet but, what the hell, we are very good at this. Turner Hopkins has a great team of NZ's leading immigration consultants and many, many satisfied clients who are now neighbours.


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